Hit Location Tablew

Advance Hit Location Table

While RuneQuest is more realistic than many games by allowing a character to be hit in a specific area, the actual hit locations may still appear somewhat bit restrictive for the gamer in search of more specific hit areas while gaming.

To remain within the context of standard Rune Quest rules, the existing hit location table has been used. Added to the table is a sub table breaking down each hit area into four more precise locations. to use the table, roll the normal D20 for area and roll a D4 for specific location. Most characters have a damage modifier of 1D4, so possibly just use said D4 roll for both purposes (damage modifier and specific hit location).

Melee D20Missile D20LocationD4=1D4=2D4=3D4=4
01-0401-03R LegFootShinKneeThigh
05-0804-06L LegFootShinKneeThigh
13-1516-17R ArmHandForearmUpper ArmShoulder
16-1818-19R ArmHandForearmUpper Arm Shoulder


Foot = Toes to ankle.
Shin = From ankle to below knee.
Knee = Knee
Thigh = Above knee to hip joint.
Hip = Hip bone
Groin = Groin, what more can we say, Gluteus Maximus from behind.
Guts = Stomach area, lower back from behind.
Side = Side of torso, Kidney region from behind.
Breast = Sternum, upper spine from behind.
Ribs = Rib cage either side of sternum/spine.
Diaphragm = Diaphragm, the bit between the stomach and ribs.
Collar = Collar bone, scapula from behind..
Hand = Finger tips to wrist.
Forearm = Wrist to elbow.
Upper arm = Elbow to shoulder.
Shoulder = The joint between scapula and collar one and humorous.
Skull = Top of head including forehead.
Face = Cheeks, nose and jaw, back of head from behind.
Side = side of head including ears.
Neck = Top of spinal column, throat region from front.

Humanoid With A Tail Hit Locations

The creatures book makes no allowance for hit locations for humanoids with tails. Do note other resources such as the Glorantha Bestiary also cover such a body type.

reatures like Minotaurs have tails that are somewhat insignificant and thus they can be bundled under the humanoid hit location table. But what about creatures with significant tails. The Allosaur gets it more or less right, but its arms are tiny and its tail is huge.

Creatures with significant tails such as Lizard men and the likes do require a significant distinction.

Cool picture found online, artist unknown.

Humanoid With Tail

Lizard Man/Giss, Crocodile Folk, Serpent People

Hit LocationMelee (D20)Missile (D20)HP Modifier
L Leg03-0502-04.33
R Leg06-0805-07.33
R Arm13-1516-17.25
L Arm16-1818-19.25

Missile Weapons

This article lists a few missile weapons that were not defined in the original RuneQuest 3rd Edition rules.


The missile pilum was a formidable weapon. It total length was 2,13 meters, with 61 centimeters being taken up by the iron head, giving it a killing range of 28 metres. Only its point was tempered while the shank used to attach it to the wooden shaft was left in a soft iron state. It was a heavy weapon which could punch a hole in a foes armour. The pilum was designed to break once it pierced the foe, thus minimizing the chance of it being flung back at the thrower. This breaking was the long, narrow iron head separating from the wooden shaft. Another broad bladed pilum was used against unarmoured enemies. For ease of play, we assume this to be the javelin in the rules and have not changed any javelin statistics.

Hunting Stick

The ancient Egyptians used a curved stick, usually fashioned to look like a snake, to hunt waterfowl. the stick would be thrown among the waterfowl in such a manner as to break their necks. In the hands of a skilled user, this weapon can be cast with great accuracy. although usually made from wood, some sticks may be bound in copper, giving them a higher damage and AP value. This is an ideal weapon to hand on ones person when facing a Duck opponent!


This light throwing spear has a wooden shaft and small iron tip. Its light weight makes it easy to throw with accuracy for some distance, but is also its main weak point when the target has armour or a shield. Very suitable for hunting animals such as small buck and chasing off lightly clad enemies, the assagai was used for many years by the Zulu tribe of South Africa

Gáe Bulg

A Celtic weapon also knows as the bellows spear. It was purported to have rows of razor sharp barbs down much of its shaft, which meant that it could not be pulled out without immensely worsening the wound. Logic would state that due to its heavy design, it could not have had much of a range. As such, it may have been used as a melee weapon as well – (likely going on a similar strike rank as the melee pilum).


While not really a missile weapon, this is probably the closest category. An instrument with four iron spikes, disposed in such a manner that any three of them being on the ground, the other points upwards. Caltrops are scattered in order to create an obstacle to the advance of troops. Depending on their size, they may also be effective against cavalry. The caltrops mentioned here are for use against infantry and are thus relatively small, with spikes of between two and four centimetres in length. As caltrops are scattered on the ground for unsuspecting people to step upon, they not actively hit a target. Rather anyone blundering onto them must make a successful dodge roll to avoid them. This dodge roll is made on the assumption that the caltrops are scattered thickly, with only a gap of five or less centimetres between individual instruments. A thinner scattering would allow for an adjusted dodge roll – dodge x 2, dodge x 3 etc. Heavier clatrops with longer spikes may be created for use against cavalry,elephants and the like.

Thanks to Peter Johansson from the RQ Rules List for correcting a grievous mistake with this article.

Pilum11/9152.51D121220/40 1/SR 140
Hunting Stick5/8080.31D4*3*15/30 1/SR 10*
Assegai6/8120.51D6430/50 1/SR 65
Gáe Bulg 15/12053.01D10**1410/20 1/SR 500

* These figures will double if stick is bound in copper.

** Roll an additional 1D3 damage for every melee round that the Gáe Bulg remains in the wound while the victim is still mobile. If the Gáe Bulg is pulled out, roll 1D3 additional damage for every point of damage originally taken.

*** Damage: 1D2 (+1 for every 10 points of SIZ or part thereof)
The caltrop must be treated as an impale insofar half damage per round it remains in the wound while the victim continues to move concerned and will take 1D3 rounds to remove. The heavier the target, the further into their foot the caltrop will go. Ignore armour unless the target is wearing plate on their sole or has natural armour (Horses hoof etc). e.g. A SIZ 17 human would take 1D2 + 2 points (17/2 rounded up) damage. The GM must use discretion regarding the size of the caltrop – a larger caltrop could do more damage, but be more visible and thus easier to avoid, where the converse would apply for a smaller version.

The Sausage Fruit Plant (Planta salsicia)

A dangerous plant that characters should approach with caution.

This plant is encountered in arid regions and appears as a common cactus, with oversized spines – which average between 5 and 10 centimetres in length. It stands up to 5 metres tall and can grow to a diameter of 70 centimetres around the base. Although most plants encountered are a single spike from base to tip, some may produce branches. Its name is evident from its fruit, which look very much like pork sausages. The fruit is borne as white “sausages” which are speckled with red dots, which hang in bunches from nodes near the plants apex.

What makes this plant unusual is that it is classified a carnivorous plant. It is very long lived (up to 500 years) and is thus not as vulgar in its thirst for flesh. Instead it plays a very patient waiting game:

The stalk of the sausage fruit plant is but one tenth its total size. Underneath the soil a large shallow root system fans out in a circle, extending up to 10 metres from its base. These roots are sensitive to pressure, serving as a deadly kill zone. Anyone approaching the plant will stand on an area where pressure is exerted to the root system. This pressure is communicated to the stem of the plant.

Pressure excreted must be significant. Thus small animals like skinks and birds, which make meals of the tasty sausage fruit, do not trigger the plant. Only larger animals, weighing 20 or more kilograms will exert enough pressure on the roots.

The first step within the kill zone will arm the plant. Alerting it to the presence of a possible meal and allowing it to identify from which quadrant said meal is approaching. The next step acts as a trigger. Once the trigger is set off, the plant reacts with lightning speed. The spines which face the quadrant where the first, arming step was taken, shoot out at a high velocity.

Each spine is laden with a deadly, fast acting toxin. This toxin has a dual function. Its first action, once it enters its victim’s bloodstream, is to incapacitate its voluntary muscles, effectively paralysing the victim within seconds but leaving its heart and lungs functioning, to ensure the toxin is distributed throughout the entire body. The toxins second function is as a digestive. Within an hour of rendering its prey immobile, the toxin starts to dissolve tissue it comes into contact with. This whole process works on volumes. The greater the amount of toxin in the body, the quicker the time in which paralysis will occur and the quicker the prey will digest.

While the plants prey is digested from within, its root system will start producing specialised rootlets, which grow upwards towards the point where the prey lies. Within a day they will have pierced its tenderised skin. Within two days, they will have anchored the corpse and started to secrete even more powerful digestive acids than those of the spines, to dissolve muscle and bone. Within a week, the corpse will have collapsed in on itself, as its now liquid inside’s seep into the soil, to be hungrily absorbed by the plants underground root system.

This article was last updated VI August MMII


The spines are hard and sharp.
Per spine:
Damage = 1d4
AP = 5
Toxin POT = 50. POT will increase by 10 per extra spine. Thus, is 3 spines, POT = 70. Spines must draw blood for toxin to work. The digestive agent will start to function within an hour of entering the bloodstream and from then on will remove 1d4 HP per hour until HP = 0 or the toxin is neutralised. Please refer to RuneQuest Poison rules for specifics on how poisons work.

If a person should be so lucky as to obtain a sausage fruit without perishing in the attempt, it will be worth their while. Not only do the fruit contain an antidote to counteract the toxin in the spines. (This antidote must be ingested before the digestive takes effect, to avoid permanent loss to CON. If the digestive has taken effect, CON must be reduced by 1 for every passing hour until the digestive has been neutralised.)

In addition to the above, the fruit is delicious and the antidote has generic healing properties which will speed the healing of wounds and revitalise the body of people who consume it. To simulate this effect, make a first aid roll for each wounded area and add 1D10 to Current Fatigue Points. This is a once off effect and wounds cannot be speed healed by eating lots of fruit

Hydra (Hydor udras monstrum)

This Hydra was designed long before I obtained the Elder Secrets box, which also contains details of a Hydra. Later on, I also noticed that the Monster Coliseum box has different statistics for a Hydra as well as the Glorantha Bestiary. This one is quite different to the others however, which I hope will mean that it is quite fun to come up against. It also gives any owner of a d30 an opportunity to use it.

This article assumes a quadruped creature and not the alternative serpentine bodied version.

Hydras are extremely rare terrestrial dragonoid creatures with many heads, that prefer to inhabit swamps and salt marshes (mangroves). Some hydras have however been encountered in river estuaries, shallows of lakes and jungle rivers. The most common ones have three heads but there have been tales of ones with seven heads. They are relatively intelligent and have the ability to breath fire and/or noxious gas. Hydras are solitary by nature and only converge for their infrequent mating.

he smaller wild hydras prefer to avoid confrontation with anything unknown and are likely to withdraw and hide if approached. They will fight however if they feel threatened or are attacked. Larger, intelligent hydras are more often than not in the employ of dragon kind or powerful sorcerers, drawing on their employers vast sources of knowledge in return for services rendered.

No one really knows where hydras come from. Some cults believe that they are the offspring between the dragon god and an unknown partner while sorcerer generally believe them to be the result of an arcane experiment. Shamans on the other hand know full well that hydras are manifestations of spirits, bonded together and trapped in the body of a serpent by a powerful shaman, centuries ago. The statistics below are for fully grown hydras.

These hydra statistics were first defined on MMVI July MMII.


STR18D663Move 5
CON9D632Hit Points 48
SIZ20D670Fatigue 95
INT1D6 + 1D46
POW2D6 + 613

3 Headed Hydra

Hit LocationMelee (D20)Missile (D20)Points
RH Leg03-040218/17
LH Leg05-060318/17
Hind Q07-0804-0718/20
Fore Q09-1008-1218/20
RF Leg11-121318/17
LF Leg13-141418/17
Head 115-16 15-16 18/17
Head 217-18 17-18 18/17
Head 319-2019-2018/17

7 headed Hydra

Hit LocationMelee (D30)Missile (D30)Points
RH Leg03-040218/17
LH Leg05-060318/17
Hind Q07-0904-0818/20
Fore Q10-1209-1418/20
RF Leg13-141518/17
LF Leg15-161618/17
Head 117-1817-1818/17
Head 219-2019-2018/17
Head 321-2221-2218/17
Head 423-2423-2418/17
Head 525-2625-2618/17
Head 627-2827-2818/17
Head 729-3029-3018/17

A note about d30: A d30 roll may be achieved by rolling 1d12 + 2d10 and subtracting 2 from the result. Or (1d20 + 2d6) -2.

Breath355 – 5*Flame/Poison
Claw6201D6 + 4D4
Bite940 – 5*3D6 + 7D4

Notes: A hydra may make an attack with each of its heads (breath or bite, not both) every round and may attack with either its tail or claws in the same round. The same head that breathes may not bite during the same round. It may either breathe fire or poisonous vapours per round and not a combination of the two. The hydras flame is more a ball of fire which can affect a target area of one square meter. The range of this fire ball is equal to the hydras POW.

The flame does 4D6 damage to each of the targets hit locations. 4D6 is rolled once and the damage rolled is applied to all hit locations simultaneously. Armour does protect against this damage. The hydra must expend 1D4 fatigue points each time it breathes fire. Poison can be breathed as an alternate to fire. The cloud can take up an area of one square meter and has potency equal to the hydras POW.

Each head may breath at the same time, thus a 7 headed hydra could conceivably blanket a seven square meter area with fire or poisonous vapours. Tail damage is an area sweep effect.

* The hydra will lose 5% on its bite and breath attacks per head that is severed or incapacitated.

Armour: 18 point skin.
Magic: Intelligent hydras will have learned sorcery and/or spirit magic. These will have an INT of 3D6.
Skills: Scan 25 + 5 (per head).

RuneQuest Articles in Dragon Magazine

A list of RuneQuest related articles published in Dragon Magazine.

Dragon Magazine #129

Dragon Magazine has been known to publish the occasional RuneQuest article. The table below lists the material I have found by browsing through my Dragon collection. It is by no means exhaustive as my collection is far from complete and odds are I may have missed a few items while I was compiling the list.

It is hoped that this list will appraise the keen RuneQuesters on what magazines to keep a lookout for. Please feel free to mail me if you have anything to add to this list.

40Artifacts of Dragon Pass – Thanks Stephen for advising.
75 July MCMLXXXIII70Review – RQ Companion fills the Glorantha gap.
75July MCMLXXXIII72Advertisement – Pavis.
76August MCMLXXXIII31Advertisement – Pavis.
81January MCMLXXXIV66Advertisement – Rune Quest.
82February MCMLXXXIV52-53Review – Pavis and Big Rubble.
129January MCMLXXXVIII46-47Article – Sorcery spells for RuneQuest.
144April MCMLXXXIX 45-55Article – Summoning Gods and spirits.
157May MCMXC23Advertisement – The Haunted Ruins.
160August MCMXC31Advertisement – Have you seen this newt?
161 September MCMXC35Review – Glorantha
162October MCMXC7Advertisement – Have you seen this troll?
163November MCMXC7Advertisement – Have you seen this duck?
164 December MCMXC66-68Review – Trollpack and Troll Gods.
172August MCMXCI66-68Article – Into the spirit of things.
181May MCMXCII72-74Review – Vikings
184August MCMXCII49Advertisement – Sun County.
185September MCMXCII120Advertisement – Sun County.
188December MCMXCII78Review – Sun County.
192April MCMXCIII37Advertisement – Shadows on the Borderland.
206June MCMXCIV16-20Article – The Dragon Project – Cerulean Glory
211November MCMXCIV92 Review – Strangers in Prax.

Tangle Vine and Death Tendril

An interesting and deadly form of symbiosis.

The Tangle Vine, (also known as snag claw vine) is an arboreal plant that has formed a symbiotic relationship with a deadly fungus. Distantly related to the arboreal orchid family of plants, the vine still retains certain familiar characteristics. It grows in trees, hanging its roots from branches and produces a magnificent flower, the resulting seedpods of which bear a vanilla like aroma. The similarities end here however. It is thought that changing climate conditions forced the vine to adapt or die. Where once it may have thrived in a moist, jungle environment, it is now encountered in far harsher, dry climate climes.

The lack of nutrient laden jungle air is thought to have forced its adaptation. The air in arid climes is dry and bereft of any nutrients. To gain the nutrients necessary for its survival, the vine forged a mutualistic relationship with a deadly fungus, the Death Tendril. The fungus body resides inside hat of the vine, laying in wait for the vine to catch its prey.

Elongated roots covered in sharp hook thorns hand from the vines perch, waiting for an unsuspecting animal to brush against them. When this occurs, the hooks snag and easily pierce sin. Creatures snagged usually panic and try to break away. Although this is sometimes successful, it mostly casts them against other roots and soon they are well and truly stuck. While many thorns may break off, they are numerous enough to ensure that some remain embedded in skin.

The thorns contain a tiny opening just below their tip. Within this opening resides the Death Tendrils offensive weapon, an anaesthetic acid secreted in preparation for the trap to be tripped. Blood from the stricken creature carries the anaesthetic to its muscles where it swiftly goes to work. As the acid is secreted in every thorn, even ones that have broken off are still effective in paralysing the prey.

Once the prey has been sufficiently incapacitated, the fungus grows rapidly. The anaesthetic also acts as an anti coagulant, ensuring that the openings made by the thorns are not closed.

Thin fungal tendrils issue forth from the same holes where the anaesthetic was stored. They enter the prey and begin secreting digestive enzymes. As tissue is dissolved, it is absorbed by the tendrils, which then grow into the gap left, anchoring them further into the preys living flesh.

The tendrils are sensitive to the anaesthetic acid levels within the prey, any drop in which cause them to secrete more, maintaining the status of paralysis. Thus the prey is slowly digested alive until loss of blood and/or vital organs cause it to die. As the aesthetic is only local, incapacitating voluntary muscles, the prey is not even spared pain as it is slowly digested.

Being a fungus, the Death Tendril cannot use all of the nutrients it absorbs and excretes them from its main body, where they are absorbed by the vine, providing it with sustenance to sustain its growth. The Death Tendril is also interesting in that it can occur/live without the Tangle Vine. This is rare however as their mutualistic relationship is so beneficial, but when it occurs, the tendril can be spotted at night due to the phosphorescent glow emanating from it. This is due to the unused nutrients it has excreted being burned up by bacteria, a by-product of which is the luminescence.

The deadly twosome has one more trick up to play. In order to assure mutual propagation, the tendril releases its sticky spores into the vines seedpod ensuring a high likelihood of spores being carried with seeds when they are distributed. Anyone mistaking a Tangle vine seedpod for that of a vanilla orchid will be truly surprised to find the spore infested seeds somewhat disastrous to their digestive tract, causing searing abdominal pains accompanied by cold sweats and a general sense of delirium. While not poisonous as such, the effects of digesting the spores could be disastrous to anyone facing imminent battle or attempting some dangerous task.

This article was first published on XXXI July MMIII

Tangle Vine

CON2D6 8Hit Points 10
Hit LocationMelee (D20)Missile (D20)Points
ThornSpecialSpecialEntangle – See Notes

Death Tendril

CON1D32Hit Points 2
Hit LocationMelee (D20)Missile (D20) Points
Tendriln/an/aMust destroy host
TendrilSpecialSpecialSpecial – See notes

Tangle Vines: Depends on the prey’s reaction. Classically, someone brushing a vine will be pierced by a number of thorns. Thorn damage is negligible, any sort of armour will stop them piercing skin. If skin is pierced, the preys reaction will determine how entangled it gets. If it thrashes around in panic, it will become more entangled, if it freezes and takes stock of the situation before slowly removing thorns, it will likely escape.

Anaesthetic: The anaesthetic has a POT of 1 point per thorn. E.G. If 5 thorns pierce, its POT is 5. It will start acting two turns after the thorn first pierces flesh. Match POT vs. CON on the resistance table. The anaesthetic lasts 10 turns; so further piercing will increase POT. E.G. Prey is pierced with 5 thorns and resists vs. POT 5. It is pierced by 7 more thorns and then has to match vs. POT 12 etc. Failing to resist will result in local paralysis of areas pierced. (Use logic here. If 20 thorns pierce the prey’s arm and 1 its leg, clearly the leg will not go lame. Perform resistance vs. POT I two separate checks).

Death Tendrils: These will start growing 5 turns after first piercing. Digestion will commence in a further 3 turns (8 turns after first piercing). Digestion does 1 point of damage to affected body area (as well as global HP) per 5 tendrils or part thereof per turn. E.G. 7 tendrils are growing into an arm. 7/5 rounded up = 2 points damage per turn. Remember the tendrils can secrete more anaesthetic. Treat this like the thorns, 1 point POT per tendril.

Pod Spores: Best to role-play this, but if you have to resist, treat them as having a POT of 10 (if full pod is consumed).

Post Script: Needless to say, the Tangle Vine flower is of enormous value within botanical circles. The danger in gathering such a flower is enormous. Tangle vines, which sprout without their mutualistic partner never, reach maturity.

Shoggy Beast (Bestialis slàine)

Adapted from a 2000AD Slainé story with the same name. See The Nature of Shogginess for more information regarding the story, author and illustrator.

the Shoggy Beast is a large, humanoid shaped hairy beast with the head of a warthog and a rapacious hunger for flesh.

Many people confuse shogginess with lycanthropy due to the nature in which a normal person can change into a raging beast. In reality shogginess the result of a shoggy spirit overcoming that of a mortal. The most common cases of shogginess usually come forth in humans, due to their relatively weak will, although other humanoid creatures have been known to be affected.

During the day a person affected by shogginess shall be in their normal form and have their own mind. Most will not even have a recollection of what they do in their shoggy form at night. They revert to the shoggy beast when the sun sets as a rule, although, if the shoggy spirit is greatly weakened, it may not choose to do so.

Ths Shoggy Beast was first defined for RuneQuest 3rd ed rules on MMVI July MMII.

Shoggy Beast

STR3D6 + 820-22Move 5
CON1D6 + 1215-16Hit Points 17
SIZ2D6 + 613Fatigue 30
POW3D6 + 622-23
DEX 3D610-11
APP1D6 + 23-4
Hit LocationMelee (D20)Missile (D20)Points
R Leg01-0401-031/5
L Leg05-0804-061/5
R Arm13-1516-171/4
L Arm16-1818-191/4
Claw540 + 51D8 + 2
Bite8(3)35 + 101D6 + 1D4(1D8 + 1D6)

Notes: The shoggy beast can claw and bite in the same round. If however it has a successful claw, it may try to grapple its victim. To break free, the victim must overcome the beasts STR with his own STR. If the victim cannot break free, the beast gets an automatic bite the following round, see figures in brackets. The beast will die like any normal animal. The statistics above are for a human host. As a general rule of thumb, the beasts STR should be ± 10 points greater than the average for its host.
Skills: Sneak 30-3, Scan 50-1, Search 40-5, Track 50-1
Armour: 1 point fur.

The Nature of Shogginess

Certain artifacts of great power can affect some people in alarming ways. In the 2000AD (comic) story about Slàine and the Shoggy Beast, a person touched one of the Drune Lords Weird Stones. As a result, his body was warped and he went “shoggy” on certain nights.

The shoggy beast can be llikened to a werewolf, but rather resembles a warthog than wolf. Shoggyness is not a disease, like lycanthropy, but a magical ailment. In Rune Quest terms, it occurs when a shoggy spirit overcomes the POW of a character. Spirit combat rules would apply.

When a character becomes shoggy, very little can be done, apart form killing the character or having a shaman defeat the shoggy spirit on the spirit plain and rescue the characters spirit.

The character will initially feel nauseous and tired in the daytime. Senses may start to feel a bit odd (enhanced). People infected by shoggyness usually take a few nights before they go fully shoggy and become a shoggy beast. In the nights prior to this, they may warp in and out of their shoggy form, grow excessive hair and teeth or become very violent.

Once in their shoggy form, they forget themselves and become the Shoggy Beast! See creatures for statistics.

The Shoggy Beast is the name of a story written by Pat Mills and illustrated by Mike McMahon, published in the British comic: 2000AD #348–351, 1983–1984

This extrapolation of The Shoggy Beast creator’s excellent work was last updated VIII August MMII


The shoggy spirit is a kind of disease spirit. Full details for disease spirits are provided in the Rune Quest Creatures Book. The shoggy spirit attacks APP. Once it has possessed its victim, the sufferer loses once current APP point per day.

POW3D6+415-16Move equal to POW

Goblin (Cobalus malignans)

A cave dwelling elfin subspecies. Encountered on many worlds, these malignant creatures have dwelt on Gæa for along time.

Goblins are a species of cave and underground dwelling humanoids. A degenerate form of elf, they prefer to dwell in caves, ravines and rocky land where trees do not easily grow. They despise elves, experiencing a racial obligation to battle them, and are despised and battled on in turn by elves. Generations spent stooped stooped underground have caused goblins to evolve into a far smaller stature than their tree dwelling kin. Their underground nature has led to them becoming adequate miners, resulting in the occasional skirmish as their mines encroach on the domain of other subterranean species.

When goblins do venture into the open, it is usually at night as they are easily demoralised in daylight, with only the hardiest of their kind being able to function normally diurnally. Their elven ancestry is not commonly known and most people view them as a sort of subspecies of orc, a misconception which orcs have been known to take exception to. While orcs will often enslave and sometimes even employ goblins, they hate them as much as elves and will not have a qualm with any action, which may result in the death of goblins.

Goblins come in many sizes, sometimes growing as tall, but not as bulky, as an average human, but they are generally of a far smaller stature. Although usually timid when alone, they can become most aggressive when encountered in numbers, an occurrence that their fast breeding readily facilitates.

Known for their mischievous ways, goblins are often blamed for any small thing, which may go wrong. As such, they are actively hunted to punish them for their misdeeds. They are not very intelligent and lack the ability to plan far in advance, often starving in winter as a result. They also routinely fail to maintain their weaponry, a fine sword in a goblins hand will be rusted and blunt to the point of being useless in a short span of time.

The depredations of orc slavers and other persecutors may keep their numbers in check, for if left to themselves for too long, a tribe will experience a population explosion, resulting in a migration akin to a locust swarm as the excess population leaves it mother tribe to search for a home where they can found a new tribe. Although extremely rare, goblin migrations extremely destructive as the massive number of goblins plunder the land they traverse in search of a new homeland.

See also Elves and The Lopsloss.

This take on goblins was first defined VIII August MMVIII

STR2D6 + 29Move 2
CON1D6 + 46-7Hit Points 7
SIZ1D6 + 36Fatigue 15
POW3D6 10-11
DEX2D6 + 613
R Leg1-41-32/3
L Leg5-84-62/3
R Arm13-1516-172/3
L Arm16-1818-192/3
Short Spear7401D8+12510
Pole Lasso330 + 54
Sling*315 + 51D8
Knife925 + 61D4 + 225 + 64

Skills: Agility + 4; Jump 15, Climb 30, Communications +11; Speak Other Language (Orc) 9, Knowledge 0; Mineral Law 20, Evaluate 10, Manipulate + 5; Devise 18, Perception + 3; Listen 30, Track 10, Stealth + 10; Hide 48, Sneak 42.
Armour: Generally no more that 2 point hard leather, although more protective helmets are often worn.
Magic: Although goblins mostly use spirit magic, some have been known to use sorcery. Due to the generally high mortality rate, it is rare to find a goblin sorcerer of much power. The contrary is true for shamans who are often them most powerful being next to the chieftain in a tribe. Many goblins will give their life to protect the tribal shaman and as a result goblin shamans can become surprisingly powerful.
* Few goblins live long enough to master the sling.

Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)

A small predator from Madagascar.

A small, ferocious, cat like carnivore. Although it does occasionally hunt by day, it is primarily nocturnal. With sharp powerful claws and needle like teeth, it has the ability to seriously wound creatures up to twice its size. Although not a real danger to adult humans, it could be a threat to small children, halflings, ducks and pixies. Its ability to climb extremely fast and jump make it equally dangerous to small flying folk like faeries.

In its native Madagascar, the solitary fossa uses its powerful body and sharp claws to scale trees in search of its favourite prey, lemurs

This wildlife program inspired entry was first documented on VI August MMII


STR1D6 + 35-6Move 8
CON3D610-11Hit Points 7
SIZ1D6 + 14Fatigue 15
POW1D6 + 69-10
DEX2D6 + 1219
RH Leg01-0201-020/3
LH Leg03-0403-040/3
Hind Q05-0705-090/4
Fore Q08-1010-140/4
RF Leg11-13 15-160/3
LF Leg14-1617-180/3
Bite1040 + 71D8
Claw750 + 7 1D6

Note: The fossa can claw its prey and bite in the same round if it so desires. If the fossa claws its prey with a special success, its claws will grip into its prey’s flesh, allowing it to hang on. It will continue to do claw damage every 3 strike ranks until its claws are removed. (No further hit rolls will required until its claws disengage).
Skills: Climb 70 + 6, Jump 60 + 4, Sneak 80 – 2, Scan 25 – 2, Listen 35 – 4.
Armour: None.