Onesha is a hardy grass which can be found growing wild pracvtically anywhere, from the wind blown moorland at the tip of Gaia down to the Great Sourthern Peaks. It produces a small head of bitter grain which can be ground to flour for bread as well as a mush to make beer with. It is nutritious but not as popular as earth grains such as barley and wheat. The small amount of seeds on each head make it a very labour intensive crop to cultivate and bread made from the grain tends toward being hard and bitter. Wealthier humans shun in as orc and/or peasant fare.
Conversely, Onesha (pronounced On~sh) is very popular with orcs for the same reasons humans dislike it. Beer made from it is strong and needs little additives, such as hops. The beer swilling orcs will often lay down their weapons for harvest month, such is the importance of the grain to them.
Ano Berries
These are small, sweat berries, which grow on low thorny scrambling bushes. The small round berries are usually black in colour, although red and white ones are also sometimes found. Ano berries are tasty and sweet, making a nice snack by themselves, although they are often baked into pies or even pressed into a light wine. The bushed they grown on are protected by sharp, hook shaped thorns.
Many a ano berry picker has found themselves tangled in a bush as the thorns clutch to clothing and skin. Farmers have realised the use of the ano berry bush and often employ it in hedges, to keep would be trespassers from crossing into their lands. In the wild, ano berries can make for a pleasant surprise, or an ugly one if one should unwittingly stumble into a bush.