Genre Resources

Links to fantasy, science fiction and RPG resources and Publishers.

Black Gate – Adventures in Fantasy Literature. This award winning site is very active and has extensive coverage of fantasy and science fiction literature, RPG and all kinds of other interesting articles. RuneQuest.orc’s own Tony Den has published a number of articles at Black Gate

Author Joel Puga’s one man labour of love magazine. His page is available in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Do yourself a favour and take a look!

Rainfall Books. Publishers of chapbooks on a host of speculative fiction subjects. Entertaining reading provided by a number of talented authors. Take a look, there is something for everyone.

A newcomer as at Summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2022. Hoping they will be a success and we will see many more issues.

Old Moon Quarterly is a small, independent online magazine devoted to publishing weird sword-and-sorcery fiction set in a historical paranormal setting or a secondary-world, with a focus on well-rounded characters driving strange action.”

I encountered Paths Peculiar on FaceBook. Love the drawing style. Loads of cool diagrams that can be used as vignettes, to add some depth to a scenario or as part of a bigger adventure. Includes drawing tutorials as well!