The Barbarian King is the first novel published by my friend Quintin Snell. His short stories have been published in various online magazines.
As it has just been published, I cannot comment on the story, although I am very much looking forward to reading it. In the mean time here is the blurb from Amazon:

I will surely return here with an update once I have obtained and read the book. What I can say is I have enjoyed Quintin’s well crafted short stories that have been published at various online publishers.
If anyone has read this book, we would be interested in a short review to be published here.
The small kingdom of Gelmoor is peaceful and prosperous, until the death of the king. His death causes a power vacuum which splinters the land into warring counties, each ruled over by a power hungry lord.
On his deathbed, king Gregory Maddock issues his final order to his captain of the guard and best friend: “Keep my son safe.”
Rodney Smith steals the prince away, heading up into the mountains where neither of them will be recognised.
Prince Dunkan grows up in a town orphanage, with no idea of who he is. A series of events take place, which steer Dunkan on a dangerous path lined with love, violence and suffering. He grows up, becoming a blacksmith, then disillusioned with life, an outlaw mercenary. However fate has big things in store for him, and his actions will have serious implications, beyond his own life.